***On creating and implementing successful Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy
Former senior policy lead and government advisor against anti-Muslim hate discusses what good ED&I policy looks like, and creating greater engagement with policy within the public square by engaging stakeholders in the first place.
***On safely hosting digital interfaith events
Freelance diversity trainer for Interfaith Scotland discusses how overlooking safety measures when it comes to hosting interfaith events online, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, equates to bad practice around religion and belief.
***What is person-centred health and social care?
Former employee of NHS Education for Scotland discusses centring what matters most to a patient during their care, and strategies to do so for health and social care professionals.
***Psychotherapist on using faith language in the practice
Jewish psychoanalytic psychotherapist discusses 'seeing' versus 'knowing,' the patient as Other (an entire world outside the practitioner), incorporating faith language in practice, and repairing and restoring what's been lost in the patient.
***On commercial appropriation of Hinduism
Hindu secretary discusses religio-cultural appropriation of Hindu images and motifs in commerce and in the business sector.
***COVID-19, Racism and the Digital Divide
Former senior policy lead and government advisor against anti-Muslim hate discusses how COVID-19 has exposed and exacerbated societal inequalities that BAME communities face, and how she is helping to close the gap by addressing the digital divide in education.
***Psychotherapist on beliefs versus ethnoreligion
Jewish psychoanalytic psychotherapist discusses race, religion, history, and holistic understanding of the patient in front of you.
***Religion & Belief and Person-Centred Healthcare: Challenges
Former employee of NHS Education for Scotland discusses some of the challenges and barriers to engaging with — and including — religion and belief within the person-centred healthcare approach.
***Safeguarding and Empowerment
Swansea-based social services officer unpacks religion and belief in the context of safeguarding, and dealing with systemic abuses undertaken in the name of religion and belief.
***All audiovisuals produced from original qualitative research, with support from Goldsmiths, University of London and Arts & Humanities Research Council, by Nicole Zisman for Religion and Belief Policy Network, with supervision from Professors Adam Dinham and Christopher Baker. Permission has been obtained from each interviewee, with the upmost care taken to protect anonymity. Please see the copyright guidelines for fair use terms.